Alopecia is an autoimmune disease which results in the loss of hair on certain parts of the body. When the hair loss is caused by changes in hormones in the scalp called androgens, we call this condition androgenic alopecia. In men, this condition is colloquially referred to as male pattern baldness. While men are typically more prone to the effects of androgenic alopecia, women are susceptible to the disorder as well. So what happens when a person becomes afflicted with androgenic alopecia?
In short, a genetic predisposition causes the scalp of some people to be especially sensitive to the effects of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Researchers believe that this hormone is responsible for shortening the growth phase of the hair cycle, resulting in the gradual thinning of hair follicles in the scalp. Unfortunately, genetic testing for this predisposition is currently unreliable.
In men, androgenic alopecia results in the characteristic “m-shaped” recession of the hairline from above the temples. Hair also tends to thin around the crown of the head as well until the head becomes completely bald. In women, rather than seeing a recession in the hairline that leads to eventual baldness, androgenic alopecia tends to cause a more general thinning of the hair throughout the scalp that rarely results in total baldness. Androgenic alopecia in women typically occurs after menopause.
In addition to hair loss, androgenic alopecia is often accompanied by mental and emotional side effects such as depression and loss of self-esteem. At NM Hair Replacement Studio, we’ve been helping our clients to recover from the debilitating effects of androgenic hair loss for over twenty years. Give us a call today to learn more about how our painless, surgery-free procedure can help you recover not only your hair, but also your self-esteem.
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